In a BGA (Ball Grid Array) printed circuit board, the solder balls are crucial for the electrical and mechanical connection between the BGA casing and the circuit board. The material of the solder balls is typically a lead-free alloy, as lead-containing solders are increasingly being avoided due to environmental and health regulations.
The most common lead-free alloy is SAC305. Such tin alloys offer a balance between melting point, mechanical strength and electrical conductivity. As an example, the melting point of SAC305 is around 217-221 °C, which is slightly higher compared to lead-containing solders.
The metallographic examination of a solder joint on a printed circuit board is a common examination as part of the quality assurance of printed circuit boards. This month's preparation shows you how this tin solder can be optimally prepared for microscopic examination.
チタングレード5としても知られるTi-6Al-4V(Ti64)合金は、積層造形で最も使用されるチタン合金のひとつです。強度、軽さ、耐食性などさまざまな特性を兼ね備えているため、航空宇宙、自動車、医療など幅広い産業にとって魅力的な合金となっている。Ti64積層造形の大きな利点は、医療用途向けにカスタマイズされたインプラントを製造できることである。QCUT 200 Aのような精密切断機でサンプルを切断することで、切断プロセス中のサンプルの過熱や機械的変形を防ぐことができる。エポキシ樹脂マウント材でマウントし、浸透装置を使用することで、研磨/研磨前にすべての孔を埋めることができます。研磨/研磨時に正しい消耗品を使用することで、スミアリングを防ぎ、気孔率の測定をより正確に行うことができます。今月は、このような重要なポイントをすべて、今月の準備で見つけることができます。
In a BGA (Ball Grid Array) printed circuit board, the solder balls are crucial for the electrical and mechanical connection between the BGA casing and the circuit board. The material of the solder balls is typically a lead-free alloy, as lead-containing solders are increasingly being avoided due to environmental and health regulations.
The most common lead-free alloy is SAC305. Such tin alloys offer a balance between melting point, mechanical strength and electrical conductivity. As an example, the melting point of SAC305 is around 217-221 °C, which is slightly higher compared to lead-containing solders.
The metallographic examination of a solder joint on a printed circuit board is a common examination as part of the quality assurance of printed circuit boards. This month's preparation shows you how this tin solder can be optimally prepared for microscopic examination.
Al₂O₃-based thermal spray coatings are important components in various industrial applications, especially in areas where surfaces need to be protected from high temperatures and corrosive environments. Properties of Al₂O₃-based spray coatings include high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and wear resistance. There are various methods of thermal spraying, including: Plasma spraying, flame spraying and high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) spraying. After the metallographic preparation of these coatings, the first question is always whether the coating is correctly prepared and the image under the light microscope/SEM should be as it is or whether the artifacts of the preparation are present in my microstructure. QATM's preparation methods according to DVS (German Society for welding and related procedures) data sheets guarantee the correct preparation of the spray protection coatings without preparation artifacts.