
Preparations 2024


1月 鋳造アルミニウム合金



2月 埋込に関する興味深い事実

In the laboratory, hot mounting, cold mounting or light-induced mounting can be used. Our practical selection guide helps you choosing a suitable mounting method and offers you an appropriate mounting material for your specific requirements and application.


3月 スチールTIG溶接




Lithium-ion battery technology has made enormous progress in recent decades, from the first Li-metal anodes to today's commercial batteries. At QATM, we focus on comprehensive quality control and offer analysis methods such as grain size determination and layer thickness measurement on LIB samples, supported by our fully automated Qness 60 A+ EVO microhardness tester.


5月 PCB上の積層セラミックコンデンサ



6月 添加剤製造クロム鋼



7月 研磨とポリッシングに関する興味深い事実

The GALAXY Contero H is an innovative fine grinding disc for diamond suspensions from 15 to 6 μm. It is easy to use, ready to use and maintenance-free. The grinding disc enables outstanding flatness, high material removal and excellent edge sharpness. Multi-stage grinding and pre-polishing are combined in one preparation step. It is ideal for medium-hard to hard steels from 300 HV and is particularly suitable for: Microstructural investigations close to the edge

  • Characterization of hard coatings
  • Sintered hard metals
  • Cermets (ceramic composites with metal matrix)
As a preparation example, we have prepared a sample of a gear wheel for you using the Contero H. Experience the advantages of this wheel for optimum results.


8月 炭素繊維強化プラスチック(CFRP)



9月 付加製造銅合金




The first source of error for faulty investigations lies in the sampling and cutting process. Artefacts occurring here increase misinterpretations during the evaluation of the microstructure. The usual problems by cutting the normal parts can become chaotic by the large components. This month you can experience the process of cutting for a clutch housing and a differential drive. Qcut 400 A and 500 A, QATM premium Al2O3 cut-off wheels (such as FS-C ø 400 and ø 500 mm) and QATM standard anti corrosion coolant ensure optimum results during cutting of these large parts.  


11月 樹枝状組織を有する鋳造アルミニウム合金



12月 鋼中のマルテンサイトとレデブライト
