
Vickers / Knoop / Brinell / Rockwell Micro Hardness Tester Qness 10 / 60 M



The Vickers / Knoop / Brinell / Rockwell hardness tester series Qness 10 / 60 takes micro hardness testing to a whole new level: The high-end laboratory devices of the latest generation combine the best of both worlds – hardness testing and microscopy without compromise and with maximum operating convenience. The revolutionary optical system with color camera provides reproducible and reliable results every time.

The classic "Qness 10 / 60 M" model of this Vickers / Knoop / Brinell / Rockwell hardness tester promises perfect semi-automatic operation and high precise positioning control of the Z axis. The combination of micro hardness tester and microscope makes this entry-level model a convincing solution for the laboratory.

QATM micro hardness testers seamlessly integrate with the Verder Scientific IoT platform, featuring remote real-time monitoring, live notifications, effortless backups and automatic software updates.

Qness 10 / 60 M 長所

  • Semi-automated
  • 広い測定力範囲(0.25g~62.5kg)
  • Ready to Test package, includes: ASTM+DAkkS certified Vickers diamond, 5x / 50x lenses
  • 8ポジションのツールチェンジャー付きダイナミックテストタレット
  • Qpix Control2 M Software including INSPECT microscopy features
  • データフィードバック付きデジタルXYクロススライド
  • Controlled automatic Z axis

Qness 10 / 60 M Experience the 3D model in the real world!

AR-Model - Visit the page with your smartphone or scan the QR code under "View in Room" and experience the 3D model in the real world!

QATM hardness testers accurately analyze according to all standard test methods and cover a wide spectrum.

The electronically controlled, fully automated test cycles ensure fast, precise hardness testing, as well as fast method changes and automatic detection of the focal plane. With the Ready to Test package all Vickers test methods are possible with the standard scope of delivery.


DIN EN ISO 6507, ASTM E-384, ASTM E92

  • HV 0.00025*
  • HV 0.0005*
  • HV 0.001
  • HV 0.002
  • HV 0.003
  • HV 0.005
  • HV 0.01
  • ✓ HV 0.02
  • ✓ HV 0.025*
  • ✓ HV 0.05
  • ✓ HV 0.1
  • ✓ HV 0.2
  • ✓ HV 0.3
  • ✓ HV 0.5
  • ✓ HV 1
  • ✓ HV 2
  • ✓ HV 2,5
  • ✓ HV 3
  • ✓ HV 5
  • ✓ HV 10
  • HV 20
  • HV 30
  • HV 50
  • HV 60*


DIN EN ISO 4545, ASTM E-384, ASTM E92

  • HK 0.001
  • HK 0.002
  • HK 0.005
  • HK 0.01
  • HK 0.015
  • HK 0.02
  • HK 0.025
  • HK 0.05
  • HK 0.1
  • HK 0.2
  • HK 0.3
  • HK 0.5
  • HK 1
  • HK 2


DIN EN ISO 6506, ASTM E-10

  • HBW 1/1
  • HBW 1/2.5
  • HBW 1/5
  • HBW 1/10
  • HBW 1/30
  • HBW 2.5/6.5
  • HBW 2.5/31.25
  • HBW 2.5/62.5
  • HBW 5/25
  • HBW 5/62.5


DIN EN ISO 6508, ASTM E-18

  • HRA
  • HRF
  • HR15-N/T
  • HR30-N/T
  • HR45-N/T

DIN EN ISO 18265, DIN EN ISO 50150, ASTM E-140

   Qness 60 M/A+/ all Vickers test methods possible with standard scope of delivery
✓ Qness 10 M/A+ with standard scope of delivery HV0.02 to HV10 possible.
* 規格に準拠していない


Phase Analysis DIN 9042, ASTM E-562

  • Automatic image object dimensioning
  • Provides analysis results as percentage proportions of a surface or as nominal surface values as tables or diagrams


Particle Size Determination DIN 9042, ASTM E-562

  • Particle size determined via linear or circular section method
  • Results of the analysis provided as tables or diagrams
  • Abrams Circles, Heyn Lines, Snyder-Graff Line


Layer Thickness Measurement DIN EN ISO 1463

  • Determination of layer thickness
  • Semi-automated gauging of horizontal, vertical and radial layers.


Weld Seam Measurement DIN EN ISO 5817

  • Standardised measurement and evaluation of weld seams
  • Prefabricated templates with all relevant measuring tools such as throat thickness, weld reinforcement, penetration depth, etc.
  • Automatic good/bad evaluation and report generation

IoT - Internet of things The platform for remote access to your devices

All QATM hardness testers with QpixControl2 and QpixT2 software seamlessly integrate into the Verder Scientific IoT platform, providing enhanced functionality and seamless connectivity.

  • Real-time Monitoring: Monitor your machinery in real time, from anywhere in the world. This data-driven approach empowers you to make informed decisions with ease.
  • Live Notifications: Be ahead of the curve with immediate alerts and updates. Real-time notifications ensure you stay informed about your equipment's performance, leading to proactive maintenance.
  • Effortless Backup: Simplify your data protection. Whether you need to back up a single device or an entire fleet, our platform streamlines the process, minimizing downtime and data loss.
  • Automatic & Free Software Updates: Bid farewell to manual updates! Verder Scientific IoT ensures your customers' machines are consistently equipped with the latest software, optimizing performance and reliability.

Qness 10 / 60 M 画期的な光学システム

The QATM-developed, in-house manufactured lens system sets new standards. As well as providing crystal clear image quality for hardness testing, Koehler illumination uses white LED light and motor-operated aperture shuttering to produce ideal contrast, even for high magnification images.

Experienced metallurgists agree the image quality provided by the Qness 10 / 60 M is comparable in all aspects with that of established sophisticated microscopes. The up-to-date concept and new lenses in the optic system enable the device to completely meet even the strictest physical ‘test system definition’ requirements in compliance with DIN EN ISO6507-1/2:2018.

ブリネル/ヌープ/ビッカース マイクロ硬さ試験機 Qness 60 M EVO - テストスペースの照明









ハイライト 新たに開発された硬さ試験モジュールは、モジュール式圧子ホルダーとして、ブリネル硬さ試験機やヌープ硬さ試験機の納入後、いつでもプラグアンドプレイで後付けすることができます。

New Rockwell Test Method

New Rockwell Test Method

In addition to the Vickers, Knoop and Brinell optical methods, Rockwell measurements can now also be carried out with the new micro hardness testers. A special Rockwell test module has been developed for this purpose.



革新的なCAS(Collision Avoiding System)技術は、衝突や操作ミスの影響を可視化する予測的な3Dモーション計算により、デバイス内の機械部品を保護します。



The digital caliper is compatible with the Qpix Control2 system and reads the dimensions, height and diameter of components wirelessly and at the push of a button, entering them into the software. The test head height control in the A+ hardness tester enables the test height to be reached completely automatically with no need for manual input.

Sample holder Perfection in semi automation

QATM sample holders are designed to ensure accuracy and repeatability. In combination with the digital slide and data feedback, the machine produces perfect measurement readings

Qness 10 / 60 M 先駆的な技術 - ユニークな実装

Qpix Control2M software

Qpix Control2M software

The Qpix Control2 M-Version of the intuitively-operated software is included with the Qness 10/60 M to provide sophisticated functionality tailored to the requirements of semi-automatic hardness testing devices. Clearly organized batch management and the effective use of templates from a broad span of testing projects, test result structuring and a complete range of background project information. The easily-generated templates include all the required information on test patterns, test methods, item names and user field details.






Unsurpassed in single-piece testing and limited series tests on items of all sizes: Simple operability and optional additions for microscopy make QATM Qness 10/60 M a unique, high-quality, all-round package.



Optimized testing parameters and shorter intervals for serial autofocus, brightness regulation and image analysis, facilitate unbeatable cycle times during everyday operation involving hardness testing devices of the new micro hardness tester product line; and it’s even faster than the previous model. A further benefit of the new machine concept is the emphasis on reduced noise emissions in operation and motion, making it particularly suitable for laboratory work.




  • 最適化されたオートフォーカスシステム
  • 輝度の自動調整
  • 複数の評価モードによる硬さ試験の自動画像評価
  • プロトコルジェネレータ内蔵



点灯するステータス表示 暗闇に光をもたらす

The illuminated QATM logo displays the current device status at a glance. The range of flash intervals indicates whether the device is operating automatically or is free to be used for new tasks for staff all around the lab. Furthermore, not only does the LED test space lighting, installed as standard, allow samples and sample holders to be set up correctly, in the M version it guarantees uniform light intensity for working area.




Non-embedded samples

Non-embedded samples

Components of almost all geometrical shapes can be fitted into the universal sample holder. Four clamping bolts can be set variably in various T-slots.

マクロ硬さ試験機 QNESS 200 CSA+ - 特殊クランプ装置



画期的な3D操作コンセプト Next-generation software for your hardness tester

The intuitive Qpix Control2 M-Version software is included with each Vickers / Knoop / Brinell / Rockwell hardness tester Qness 10 / 60 M to provide sophisticated functionality tailored to the requirements of semi-automatic hardness testing devices. Clearly organized batch management and the effective use of templates from a broad span of testing projects, test result structuring and a complete range of background project information. The easily generated templates include all the required information on test patterns, test methods, item names and user field details.


3つの手順だけで試験結果を提供 試料の装着, パターンの設定, 試験の開始



The machine moves automatically to the height of the sample holder.



Speedy row set-up: Drag the row of test points.




Standard Features


Optional features


Microscopy & Analysis


Simplified lens selection

Simplified lens selection

Based on the selected method (e.g. HV10), the suitable hardness range is displayed for each lens, which can be measured. The most suitable lens is also highlighted.

Dual system

With the Qpix Control 2 software, several QATM devices (for example a Qeye 800 and a Qness 60 A+ EVO) can be operated with the same PC system. It is easy to switch back and forth between the two devices in the software.



Qpix software platforms support barcode and QR code readers. Whether simply inserting header files (serial), managing the complete integration of reading devices for the automatic selection of templates, or calling up data from superordinate systems (optional) – barcode/QR code readers simplify work procedures for the tester, while also preventing operating errors.



  • 画像オブジェクトの自動寸法計測
  • ISO 9042およびASTM E562に基づく位相差の評価
  • 分析結果は、表面の割合(パーセンテージ)または表面の公称値として、表や図で表示されます。


  • DIN EN ISO 1463に基づく層の厚さの決定
  • 水平、垂直、半径方向の層を半自動で測定
  • 層の厚さを統計値として表や図にして提供する。


  • 粒子径はDIN EN ISO 643およびASTM E112に準拠し、直線法または円形断面法で測定
  • 表や図で示された分析結果
  • 粒子径と粒子を切断するセグメント長の統計的特性の文書化
Inspect weld seam measurement

weld seam measurement

  • Standardised measurement and evaluation of weld seams
  • Prefabricated templates with all relevant measuring tools suchas throat thickness, weld reinforcement, penetration depth, etc.
  • Automatic good/bad evaluation and report generation.

インダストリー4.0 明日のために

Qconnectは、QATM Qpix Control2ソフトウェアのインターフェイスで、シリアル製造、オープンXMLインターフェイス(双方向)、QDAS Plug-In+などの事前に指定されたプラグインソリューションから、QATMが完全に実装するお客様固有の接続ソリューションまで、デバイス間接続の完全なポートフォリオをお客様に提供します。あらゆるアプリケーション要件に対応する専門的なソリューションをご用意しています。


Approved quality Calibration & Monitoring



QATM Calibration Managerは、自由に設定できる間隔で、必要な試験をオペレータに通知します。試験結果は、ボタンを押すだけで進行中の統計記録に追加されます。



プレミアムな品質。DIN EN ISOおよびASTMに準拠した独立したDAkkS(ISO/IEC 17025)校正(定期的な規格に準拠した試験のためのソフトウェアを含む)。

Login via NFC

Login via NFC

The Qpix Control 2 software supports user login using an external NFC reader. Depending on the NFC tag/card, the customer‘s existing access cards can also be programmed in, for example.

Qness 10 / 60 M 製品仕様

試験荷重範囲Qness 10 M: 20 gf - 10 kgf (0.196 - 98.07 N)
Qness 60 M: 0.25 gf - 62.5 kgf (0.00245 - 612.92 N)
試験方式Vickers, Knoop, Brinell, Rockwell (option)
試験シーケンス完全自動 / 電子荷重制御
Z-軸Dynamic, automated (CAS-Technic)
Z-axis travelling distance150 mm (5.91“); Option: 260 mm (10,2“)
スロート深さ170 mm (6.69“)
ツール・ポジション8-fold motorized tool changer
max. 3 hardness testing modules, max. 7 lenses
カメラ・システム5 Mpixel - CMOS color, USB3.0
Optical systemUpright microscope with Koehler lighting
Aperture diaphragm電動
レンズXLED 2x, 2.5x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x
Lens typesStandard (Achromat) and High Quality (Semi-apochromat) for hardness testing and microscopy
XLED for optimised Brinell hardness testing
視野(装置による)0.074x0.055 mm (100x) to 2.80x2.10 mm (XLED 2)
試験アンビル / XYクロス・スライドOption: manual cross slide; Reduces test height by 26 mm
テーブル・サイズØ 100 mm (3.94“)
(cross slide: 135 x 135 mm)
Traverse path at cross slideX 25, Y 25 mm (0.98 x 0.98“); Option X 50 x Y 50 mm (1.97 x 1.97“)
Control elementsEmergency stop, Start button, Joystick Z-axis
ソフトウェアQpix Control2 "M"
ワークピースの最大重量50 kg (110 lbs)
標準機の重量55 kg (121.3 lbs)
Included basic equipmentIndenter Vickers ASTM + DAkkS; Lens 5x, 50x
電源100 – 240 V ~1/N/PE, 45-65 Hz

Qness 10 / 60 M 製品構成プログラムを今すぐ実行して、見積を依頼する